XXXII Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, November 8, 2009

Sitting beside the Temple treasury today, Jesus catches sight of a widow. It can be quite fascinating to see the variety of human beings passing by, and their differing styles. Religious officials in long robes make an impressive sight. People bow and make way for them. They are important people. Then the widow comes along. Nobody takes any notice of her. In fact, Jesus has to call the attention of His disciples to this nobody, dropping a few copper coins into the collection box. This woman has given more than anyone. It is a paradox.

It is the very opposite of what appears to be happening. Jesus is telling us, “Look carefully at what is really going on here.” Well-to-do people are giving very generous donations to keep the system of religion going. This poor woman is placing her entire trust in God.

The widow is teaching us a lesson from life. What money she has is very little, but she knows that money alone will not save her, or bring her comfort. Her life is in God’s hands. She knows this. She trusts that God will not fail her. She prays for daily bread. She prays for the grace to live in peace with others, and to be delivered from all evil.

“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Each day is a day to grow in our knowledge and service of the Lord. In times of hardship, in sad and sorrowful times, it is tempting to forget about the Lord. That is when we may need to listen to widows, those brave women who have known loss, and who have preserved in the love of God.

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