II Sunday of Lent – Cycle “C”, February 28, 2010

As we enter the second week of Lent we hear the story of Jesus’ glorious transfiguration. It comes not long after Jesus has been telling the disciples that He is going to suffer and die, and that those who wish to be His disciples must let go of their own needs, take up their cross and follow Him. Eight days later, St. Luke tells us, Jesus takes Peter, James and John to the top of mountain, where He prays and they rest. The disciples are astounded, not least because they also see Jesus talking to Elijah and Moses. Peter’s immediate reaction is one of amazement, and he wants to hold on to the experience for ever. Clouds suddenly appear and overshadow them. Then they hear the voice: “This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to Him.” Peter has seen the light. Jesus does not change into someone else on the mountain. In His transfiguration He reflects the glory of God that radiated from within Him. For the disciples it is a moment of awe and wonder – an occasion that they don’t want to let go, even though they cannot physically hold on to it.

Maybe we have experienced such a moment in our lives: perhaps when we fell in love for the first time, or when our first child was born, or when we found ourselves surrounded by stunning countryside. These moments of awe and wonder are the consolation experiences that, though momentary, stay with us and help us when life gets tough. At our baptism we were given the light of Christ to share with the world, a world that really needs that light. Perhaps this Lent is a time for us to reflect on our own inner beauty and to ask God to heal those areas that overshadow us and might prevent us from reflecting our light and Christ’s light to the world.

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