Resurrection of the Lord – Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010

The books of the New Testament would not have been written if Jesus had not risen from the dead. It is clear from the resurrection stories that the disciples would have mourned the passing of their crucified Lord. They would have gathered in His memory for a short time and then drifted apart, going back to their old ways.

For Peter and the beloved disciple, this begins to change, not through a direct experience of the risen Lord, but with their encounter with the empty tomb. They could have come up with all sorts of reasons as to why the tomb should be empty.

Despair and disappointment are replaced by hope and a new vision. It is now their task to proclaim what has happened as the touchstone for all Jesus said and did in His life.

Our celebration of Easter puts us in touch with the saving power of Christ. Can we allow the risen Lord to accompany us through our sufferings to new life? There is always a choice. We are asked to be open to believing in His power to transform our lives.

If we are open to His new life, then we in our turn can become like the good Samaritans who emerge in moments of crisis and are there for others. It is a gift. We will have become the instruments of the risen Lord, offering His forgiveness and healing to all we meet. The world will be the landscape of God’s infinite mercy, redeemed and brought to new life.

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