Solemnity of Pentecost – Cycle “C”, May 23, 2010

In today’s Gospel we hear why it is that we are still celebrating Pentecost over 2000 year later. Jesus, in His farewell discourse to His disciples, assures them that they will never be abandoned. He promises that the Father will send them His Advocate, one who will teach them how to remain true to Christ’s word, to remain in His love. At baptism we too receive the Holy Spirit. Are we aware of the Holy Spirit in our life?

There are so many distractions in our world that it is easy to lose sight of the important things in life. The recent recession has brought distress and pain for many, caused at least partly because there were people who were focused only on their own gain without concern for others.

When we fail to love, we cease to live in truth. When we lose sight of the truth, we cease to love. Jesus knew that for us to live in love and truth we would need an Advocate, someone to guide us ion knowing which path to take, when and how. Most of us do not live dramatic lives on the world stage. We live ordinary lives, going about our business in our noisy and often chaotic world. It can be hard to discern what the Holy Spirit is asking of us, but we can be sure that bring the work of the Holy Spirit will be evident in the actions we take that bring life and joy to ourselves and others. This is Pentecost: when the Spirit burns in the hearts of believers and leads them to act for the good of the whole world.

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