Solemnity – Holy Name of Jesus – Cycle “A”, January 2, 2011

The celebration has been held on different dates, usually in January, because January 1, eighth days after Christmas, commemorates the circumcision of the Child Jesus, at the end of eight days, when He was circumcised, He was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was concived in the womb. The famous preacher Saint Bernardino of Siena placed great emphasis with the his sign, and may be responsible for the coupling of the two elements.

The veneration of the Holy Name was encouraged by the example of Bernard of Clairvoux, who apostrophized it in many sermons. But the greatest promoters of this devotion were Bernardino of Siena and his follower John Capistrano. “They carried with them on their missions in the turbulent cities of Italy a copy of the monogram of the Holy Name, surrounded by rays, painted on a wodden tablet, wherewith they blessed the sick and wrought great miracles. At the close of their sermons they exhibited this emblem to the faithful and asked them to prostrate themselves, to adore the Redeemer of mankind.”

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