Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, July 31, 2011

In the days of Jesus, the people of Galilee came to realize that there was someone special in their midst. A young man had appeared who, it seemed, had special powers of healing, and who spoke in ways that captivated his listeners. This was someone who just had to be seen, and someone that people wanted to listen to. And so the crowds began to gather. The people knew that they were on to a good thing. This man can cure our sickness. This man seems to understand life, and has an air of authority about Him that persuades you that He is the genuine article: not a showman, but a Savior. Jesus himself knew all about the problems of being in the public eye. Your words and your actions will be scrutinized. You will be misreported and misrepresented. Your enemies will seek to destroy you in whatever way they can. King Herod Antipas, a vicious ruler, had just executed John the Baptist, and so Jesus could very well be next in line. He leaves Herod’s territory and moves along the coast, hoping for some quiet time to compose himself. Now Jesus will show us what true power is, and how it should be exercised. They need guidance – Jesus preaches the word of life to them. They are hungry and need food – so Jesus feeds them, and teaches to feed them from the little they have. The issues of health, education and welfare are all addressed here. These are common needs in all of humankind, and we are called to attend to them all, in every person.

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