Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, September 4, 2011

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus offers us a courageous solution to life’s hurts. When someone wrongs the community in some way, rather than immediately resorting to litigation, both the offender and the offended should come together and try to sort out their difficulties. The courts should only be a last resort when all else has failed. Jesus recognizes that injustice and harm to the community require justice and reparation. Externally imposed judgment and compulsory reparation often cause divisions, anger, and resentment as people debate the nature and size of the penalty. They rarely heal wounds and repair a broken heart. Jesus tells us that when we are able, within the family, to sort out wrongdoing, we are much more likely to keep the wrongdoer among us and together, work towards reunification and peace. Jesus knows that this is not a “soft option.” Forgiveness and understanding can be very difficult, but He will be there, offering comfort, wisdom and support. Most importantly, He offers us the model for repentance and for true forgiveness and love.

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