Circumcision of our Lord – New Year’s Day – Cycle “B”, January 1, 2012

Circumcision remained a command of God and a sign of membership in Abraham’s family. But it was more than this as well. In Leviticus, God himself revealed the true meaning of circumcision: “But if they confess their iniquity, that they have walked contrary to me, . . . if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, then I will remember my covenant.” God also reminds us that natural birth does not entitle us to grace. Even a natural born child of Abraham, who received circumcision, was not automatically entitled to grace. Birth does not confer grace. Circumcision does not confer grace.

The Divine name “Yahweh” is fulfilled in Jesus’ circumcision and naming ceremony in today’s Gospel lesson. Following the instructions given in the Old Covenant, Mary and Joseph went to the local synagogue at Bethlehem on the eighth day of Jesus’ life. Why the eighth day? Some have claimed that it was primarily to make sure the boy was strong enough to handle the bloodshed of circumcision. The eighth day indicates a new creation. Recall the original seven days of creation in Genesis, when God made all that exists out of nothing and by the power of His Word. Later, God re-made His creation through the flood, where eight souls were saved by water.

And so on the eighth day, Jesus was circumcised. In the Old Testament, circumcision was the special mark given to God’s people, His “baptism” by which He claimed His people. On the Law side, the foreskin symbolized rebellion against God. But you still ask, Why was Jesus, as the sinless Son of God, circumcised? To keep the law for us. Recall that Jesus was born not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. We have broken God’s law by our fault, by our own fault, by our own most grievous fault. If you think you can keep any law, well, just try to even remember your New Year’s resolutions from this past year. If your experience with these resolutions is anything like mine, they only serve to help bring you to repentance and remind you that no one, save Christ Himself, can keep the Law, which began with His circumcision.

Along with His circumcision, the Christ Child was officially given the name Jesus, Savior. The name “Jesus” is richest and purest Gospel. And so Jesus, as the new Joshua, would lead His people out of the wilderness of sin, through the Jordan of Holy Baptism, and into the Promised Land of heaven. And it’s a good thing! Left to ourselves, we only rebel against God. On our own, we have gone our own way, been our own gods, and worshiped the various golden calves in our lives. The Divine name, Jesus, proclaims that through this Boy, there is salvation for you and me. By His perfect obedience (including His circumcision), His baptism in the Jordan, His temptation in the wilderness; by His suffering, death, and burial; by His glorious resurrection, ascension, and second coming–yes, through Him who has the name that is above every name, there is salvation for us.

And He gives you His name in Holy Baptism, He puts His name on you. The name He chose for Himself is the name He chooses to give to you. Do not doubt it, you are a named people. There is shame in being a no-name, shame for those who have no heritage. That’s who you were. You were a non-people with no name, but now you are the blessed ones of God. Not on account of your name: your heritage or your good successes, but rather, on account of this, your adopted name; as sons of God and heirs of heaven with Christ Jesus. God bless you, The Lord save you, you are His, each of you. There is not one here or anyone anywhere that has not been given this new status by God. Some may reject that, sure, but the Good News, the cold, hard, historical fact, is that God has made you His in Christ; Jesus has fulfilled His Office, His purpose. All are equal in Him, one individual is no better than any other, for you are all one, holy, saintly in Christ Jesus. In Christ Jesus, that is, being baptized into His name, all are one, together, the same status. You are Church, His Body, His Bride. As a bride receives the name of her bridegroom, so we who are yoked to God through Baptism into Christ, we have received His name, made to be part of His family in the most intimate way, given a heritage and success and prestige. We share in His eternal home and inheritance. Whatever is His is ours. We are truly heirs of heaven. See what He has done. He is circumcised and He is named. All for you. Do not continue doubting. Repent. Believe. In Jesus’ name.

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