Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – July 29, 2012

Today’s Gospel story – the feeding of the multitude – invites us to understand something. The evangelist St. John, in writing down the story, calls it a “sign.” Jesus is giving the people a sign, a message. Actions speak louder than words, and Jesus uses the occasion of a hunrgy crowd gathered around Him to show in action something about who He is. Words can be easily dismissed; deeds cannot. The people get the message straight away, and John records it. “This really is the prophet who is to come into the world,” they say. But they immediately misunderstand their own words. An earthly king, they ate thinking. So, then, what is the message? St. Paul, writing to the Ephesians, gives a good answer today. There is only one God and He is Father of all. There is one Lord – Jesus – and in Him we can be one body, sharing the same Spirit. We are invited to live our lives in the unity of God. By practising selflessness and gentleness and patience, we can preserve and build up unity and peace.

In gathering for the Eucharist, we are like the crowd that gathered around Jesus in Galilee. We are drawn to this prophet, this Son of God. And we are hungry. We seek knowledge and understanding of life. We seek the inspiration and the courage to live life. And the Lord answers our needs. He teaches us and He feeds us. He gives himself to us and strengthens us. Food is nourishment and also an occasion of joy – such is the Eucharist for us. The Lord is our light and our life.

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