Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – August 26, 2012 – Youth Sunday

In chapter six of St. John’s Gospel, Jesus has manifested His glory through the feeding of the 5,000, He was walked on water, and now, following His teaching on the need to feed on Him to find life, He awaits a response. Now it is decision time. Seeing and hearing all that Jesus is about, are they prepared to commit all to Him? Do they believe that He is the one through whom they can find access to the Father, whom Jesus lovingly calls “Abba”? Obviously it is all too much for some of those have been following Jesus. The challenge seems too great. Whether their rational minds get the better of their hearts that had burned in love for Him, we will never know. In challenging the Twelve to make their choice, it is Peter who steps up and makes the connection between all that he has seen and heard. “Where else would we go?” he asks. Inspired by the Spirit, Peter leaves us with a question to help us deepen our own appreciation of the gift God has given us in the person of Jesus Christ.

There are always going to be times when things do not seem to make sense; times when there is the temptation to turn away from God, when we are hurt, angry, burdened or even scandalized. Jesus gave the disciples a choice. He presents us with that same choice. Considering how Jesus brought us liberation from sin, freedom from the despair of over powering burdens, and the promise of eternal life, perhaps we will be able to echo Peter’s stunning statement regarding Jesus’ challenge. He is the light of the world. He is the bread of life. His promises are true. Where else can we go? We will serve Him.

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