Fourth Sunday of Lent – “C” – Solemnity – Institution of the PNCC – March 10, 2013

The Church is Sacrament which points to the presence of Christ in our society; it is a mystery, an external sign of the unity of people with God. It is here in the Church that we actually meet Jesus, and we are enriched through His grace which will lead us to sanctification and salvation, for this is the prime objective of the PNCC. It is here in His Mystical Body, the Church, that we come to know God better, and it is here that the very life of God becomes present in our souls.

The parish, the faith community related to Christ is the Church in a particular locality, where He is present, His people are sanctified, His teaching is proclaimed in the Church; He becomes present in the Eucharist when Mass is celebrated and the mysteries of His Incarnate and saving life are made present in the celebration of the altar. Through the reading of the Scriptures and the preaching of His ministers – bishops, priests and deacons, our Lord contunous to speak to us about the beauty of God, the love of God, the means and ways to salvation, and the evil of sin. Christ is always present in the liturgy of the Church.

Yet we may find that there are some in the Church who are unaware that Christ our Savior, in a way that they cannot fully understand because they do not perceive Him with their senses, is present in the Church whenever they attend a Church gathering they are in the presence of Christ.

The Church is not just another organization or club similar to the Rotary, Lions or Odd Fellows, but it is different because it is a group of people who are called by God to listen to Him and are united with Him in a unique way through the Holy Spirit. The Church is a unique, living organism, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, composed of initiated human beings who are joined together by Him and also to Chirst, and through this Sacred Body, Christ is present in our world today, continuing the work of God be teaching and leading people to the Kingdom of God.

The Church reminds us that we aho constitute it in the local parish have a grave responsibility toward Christ and His work, and we are only the Church when we follow our Blessed Lord. The one truth we must accept is that the PNCC is Christ’s Church. It has been called into existence by Him to do His work, and everything that we do must be in accord with His will and mind, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of His people.

Christ must be the center of every parish and organization in the PNCC. Our major effort should be to safeguard and preserve our identity with Jesus Christ. Since we are members of His Church, we are His followers, His disciples, and we should make every effort to become like Him as is humanly possible. Polish National Catholics must be people who love, forgive, are kind, respectful, generous, concerned, compassionate, and understanding.

The Spirit of Christ must be present in the parish which is the Body of Chirst, and which is the sign of Christ’s presence in our community. The beautiful Spirit of Chirst will bring people closer together, giving them the desire to work together to foster Christian values and serve God’s people in His Church. This Spirit will also contribute to Church growth.

The Parish Committee must understand that they have a sacred obligation to care for the House of God – that building in which the faithful encounter Christ at Mass in the Sacraments, in the Liturgy, in the Word, and in the people. It is here that the saving Gospel of Chirst is preserved and promulgated, so that the faithful may come to know God better, become better themselves, and continue on the road that will lead to eternal salvation. The first Laws that parish committee must uphold are the Laws of God as they revealed in the Holy Scripture and taught by the Church. Secondly, parish committee must abide by the Constitution of our Holy Church. It may appear ironic, but I do believe that we may find some know the Constitution very well, have read it many times, and yet these individuals have never read the New Testament once from the beginning to end. Yes, the parish committee is to be the steward of the property that belongs to God’s Church, but it is also obliged by Constitution to assist the pastor in developing the spiritual life in the parish, and these surely are important sacred responsibilities.

In all of the Church organizations, there must also be a Christian fellowship, people enjoying the company of others. It is a moment to sit around and chat, a time to express our goals and hopes, an occasion to plan projects in which the members may work together to raise funds so that the organization may accomplish its goal, and also contribute to the mission of the Church.

The Spirit of Christ, which helps to build and bind, must always be present in the Church, be it at a synod, annual meeting, parish committee meeting, Bible study group, lecture or service. We mus never forget that when we gather in the name of Christ, He is present in His Church, He is among His people, and when we return from a Church gathering we should have a good feeling, a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling if fulfillment, knowing that we have done something for Jesus, and in a way, we had encountered Him, being enrivhed and rewarded through this encounter. (taken from God’s Field No 4, Feb. 27, 1988; article written by the Prime Bishop John F. Swantek)

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