Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “C” – July 28, 2013

The disciples who followed Jesus wanted to live life truly. It is the deepest desire inside every human being. Watching Jesus at prayer prompted one of His followers to ask for the secret. “How do you do that? What is the secret? What is that makes you the person that you are? The person that we so admire and want to imitate?” In listening to Jesus, in His sermons and addresses to the crowds, it was possible to see and to admire a fully developed human being, a wise and contented man. Maybe this quiet prayer was the key to His personality. “Teach us to pray” is the request. The answer that Jesus gives to His disciples is a whole approach to life, a whole new way of living, a true spirituality. You are looking for the true way of life, the way to joy and authentic living in this world? Then let these words be your rule of life. Call on God as your “Father,” and so learn to be a child among children. Revere God’s name, and so give honor to everyone. Ask for daily bread, and so learn how to share life in this world. Seek forgiveness, and so realize your own weakness and failings. Forgive others, even as you walk in the midst of affiction. And pray to be kept safe from the temptation and from departing from the ways of goodness.

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