Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “C” – Heritage Sunday – October 20, 2013

The Polish-American Credo

I am a Polish-American

In my veins flows the blood of patriots, kings, scholars, scientists, and courages peasants. I am the descendant of Nicholas Copernicus reaching for the stars, Madame Marie Skłodowska Curie unreveling the mysteries of nature and Ignacy Jan Paderewski uplifting the soul of man.

Yes, I am a Polish-American

My heart beats with a love for my ancestral homeland and for my country, this young United States of America. When tyranny of depotism has threatened, I have always been the first to resist.

I was with Jan III Sobieski lifting the siege of Vienna, Austria, Kazimierz Pułaski in Savannah, Tadeusz Kościuszko at West Point and the RAF over Channel skies in Britain. I am a poet like Adam Mickiewicz and a musician like Fryderyk Chopin.

In the Polish tradition of friendship, freedom and fidelity, I stand in solidarity with all who pursue the paths to peace, justice and human dignity.

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