Sunday, within the Octave of Corpus Christi, June 14, 2009

We are not a people who exist in a spiritual, other-worldly environment. We are human beings of flesh and blood, with our feet on the ground in this world. We live as members of a eucharistic community, a people formed, grounded and fed by the Eucharist, a people in communion with God and with each other.

When we receive Jesus Christ in communion, it is the whole Christ we are receiving – the being, the life, the fullness. By taking His life into our own we are allowing Him to take us into His life, the life of the most fully human person who has ever lived. May we honor, revere and love the sacrament that builds up our humanity by conforming us more to the body of Christ.

How would you describe the difference the Eucharist makes in your life? What can you do to help others appreciate the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ?

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